Praise the Lord!

Just quickly wanted to update you all on the Shaelynn Kelly benefit. I am pleased to say that so far, the benefit raised a great amount of money! It was so humbly touched by the love and generosity of others. I am so blessed to have a wonderful supportive home church family, an absolutely outstanding group of loving family and friends who put this all together, and a great hometown, who embrace members of the community as their own, and lovingly support. Most of all I am grateful to serve a wonderful Savior who has given Shaelynn to our family, and is taking care of us all in ways that we will never understand. Thank you for your support.
Sarah Berb

Thought of the day is:

How long do you think the Easter candy is going to last? I give my kids 2 pieces a day for after school snacks, and I still have not made a dent!!! I will let you know how many months it takes for it to be gone!


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