So, what do you think?  It's called Christmas Argyle.  Combining 2 things I love!  WOW!

I am getting ready for my Thanksgiving crazies.  Baking pies, making the famous potatoes, and whatnot.  I really enjoy Thanksgiving.  I really don't even care about all the prep that goes into it. It is always an enjoyable time!  Maybe I will post some recipe's later this weekend.  I think that we will be going to visit Ben's uncle at the airport in Grinnell on Saturday.  That should be a lot of fun!  He is kinda a riot!  Also, may be having some cousins visit!

Will post later!


JCC said…
Where'd you find this layout?
Sarah said…
I googled "cute free blog" and this is one of the hits that came up:

They are really cute!
Amy Merchant said…
OK Sarah! I still can't seem to figure out the music p[laylist thing. You just added another playlist to your blog. How'd you do it?
Love your new layout!
Joab Meyer said…
hey- this is Emily Meyer- Meg's cousin. I love your blog! Had a really hard day yesterday and just went to your blog for all the great tunes! THanks

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