
It is just plain cold this morning. I know that it is nothing in comparison to what we will have in a few months, but after the weekend we had, it is cold. It's the wind more than anything.

So, I was in the bathroom this morning getting ready for my day when Ruby comes in and says "Wiwwy is in da door" Excuse me honey, what? "Wiwwy is stuck in da door" Ahhh. Run. Can't find Lillian, afraid that she is stuck in some door some where. Don't hear any crying. Ruby May, where is Lillian! Ruby puts on her coy smile look, and says "in da ban" (van) Run to the van, it's locked. OK. Ben brought the camp van over last night, where is the key. Call Ben, "Sweetie, where are the keys to the camp van?" Ben says, "well, they are probably in it." Long story short...there was an extra set in the camp office. Lillian seemed to be cool as a cucumber. Of course she had no clue that she was locked in the van, and that her mom was having a fit.
So now, am I going to have to lock all vehicles to keep Ruby out? I am that girl who leaves everything in the vehicle. Keys, phone, iPod, purse, loose change, everything. If I can't find it in the house, it is usually in the Suburban. But this begs the bigger question...should I be taking everything out of the vehicle anyway? Note that I will leave all of these things in the Suburban anywhere we go. Drives Ben nuts. Probably should.


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