Jonah Michael Berberich

Today marks a memorable day for out family.  11 years ago, I was holding a sweet Boy bundle, unaware of how my life was about to change, and in a dazed state, as I was a Mother at age 21, not totally aware of what to expect.  While most of you know me as a confidant Mother of 5, looking back at Jonah reminds me of how unprepared, and naive I actually was.  

I must admit to you that I was totally unaware of how totally unprepared I in fact was. Ben and I had been married for 9 months 2 weeks, no joke, ever hear of a honeymoon baby?  Jonah is it!  We got hitched on March 8, 1997, He was born on December 23, 1997, 2 1/2 weeks early.  There is your explanation.  While our marriage was very new, it also had its rough patches during that first year, like any other marriage.  Not only were we expecting, which was a shocker, and somewhat hard to swallow, but the Lord decided to test our faith yet again in July 1997.  I was visiting my folks, and going to a bridal shower.  It was a Tuesday, so it was just me at Mom's, and Ben was at work in Cedar Rapids.  I woke up that AM feeling a bit funny "down there"  I thought that I needed to potty, so I went into the restroom, and as a was in there blood gushed out of me.  I was convinced that I had lost the baby, and yelled for Mom.  She did her best to console me, packed my things,  made some calls and off we went.  My Aunt Candy came along, to drive my car back for me.  It being a time where not everyone had a cell phone, my Mom had to call Ben's folks, and his Dad drove out to the work site to tell him what was going on.  Ben remembers that day so well.  A work site of grubby carpenters, and up walks his Dad, visibly concerned.  These dear gruff men on the work site, all supporting and consoling Ben as his Dad told him that I had had a miscarriage.  Ben met me at the Dr.s office.  As I went into see Mary Anne, she gave me that look, that pitiful look of sorrow and compassion.  She sat me down, asked me what had happened that morning, and proceeded to get the doppler out.  She warned me that she was merely checking for a heartbeat just to make sure, but not to get my hopes up.  Holding hands Ben and I anxiously waited the silence.  Then we heard it.  The rapid thump, thump, thump!  What JOY in that moment!  We were cautiously optimistic that things were going to be OK.  To be safe Mary Anne suggested an ultrasound, which we were excited about.  The ultrasound showed the baby healthy, and happy, but that my placenta was lying low, so I was put on bed rest.

I will be honest and tell you that Ben and I now realize how unprepared we were to give our hearts to a baby.  This one instance did it!  Now, granted, it was kind of a rude awakening, but we needed it.  Neither one of us knew just how excited we were with the prospect of a baby until the prospect turned into a fading hope.  After that day, we knew just what we would have missed.  Maybe not completely, as there is some kind of shock when the put that tiny bundle in your arms. We were not willing to give up on the gift that God had bestowed on us.

Fast forward a bit.... I promise you that there are other things that happened that summer, but, blah!  So FF.
December 22, 1997.  Feeling funny.  Surely this is not it, as my due date is 2 1/2 weeks away.  I am not ready!  No bag packed, Sarah being her typical procrastinator self.  Go to ER.  details, details, involving things not good for mixed audience.  My nurse says to me,"you are having a baby!"  I'm what?  Seriously? no way...yes way!  again, details, details. I get to sleep through the night, (mostly) Good labor starts at 6 AM.  9 AM, dialated to 2.  9:31...  JOY!  (not my sister)  It's a boy!  what?  A boy?  The only name I have picked out id Natalie Rose.  shoot!

So, here is the deal with my son Jonah.  He came home on Christmas Day.  Each Christmas since then has been exhilarating, and with each passing year I look back to the year that Ben and I grew up.  The year that I will never forget for both the best reasons, and the worst.  The year that we got our parenting feet wet, and yes the year that I look back at and laugh.  I laugh because I see the way we dealt with a tiny baby then, and how I deal with babies now.  Heehee!  I've come a long way , Baby!

Happy Birthday dear boy.  My Jonah. 


Sarah, you should totally be a writer! I was there with you as you recounted (in amazing detail!) Jonah's birth! I must have a bad memory! Anyway, I remember bits of that year, too. You and Ben are amazing! God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Rachel said…
I second that! I would love to read a book by you someday. Thanks for your wisdom and words of encouragement.

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